Wednesday 11 January 2012


Hi All

So officially it is Day 2 of racing - but was our first day of racing. Since we did not get any racing yesterday - we had 3 races today. The Race Committee can only do 3 races maximum a day so... means tomorrow to catch up - we need to do 3 more races.

Today was quite different from yesterday - it was forcasted big winds, chop, rain & thunderstorms.  We go the first two but thank goodness not the last two.  Nothing worse then being out on the water with thunderstorms!!!!!

Anyhow we got out to the race course @ 9:30 - winds coming out of 170 deg (i.e. south) and about 6 knots. By the time we got started racing (@10:30) it clocked more to the south & picked up to about 10 knots with the wind continuing to go right.  By the end of the racing we had seen upto 15-18 knots, big seas & 225 degrees. 

Ken and I were overall fine with our day - would have liked better results - but hey we were consistent. 7-7-7.  We had some up wind speed & pointing issues so we were loosing out upwind. We had GREAT downwind speed!!!! We surfed a number of waves today & managed to catch up to the fleet downwind.  Problem is we had to go back upwind..... so you see how this is going.  In our races we have 2 upwind, 2 downwind & 2 reaching legs. 

So this is how my day at the sailing center ends....  one of the race officers came to find me... "Hey Brenda - do you remember crossing the finish line in that last race?" - Seriously that's the question to me. "Of course", I answer...... "it was an epic finish (in my mind) we squeaked passed a boat right at the finish line on an incredibly tight reach". Turns out the race committee had some confusion and scored us DNC (did not complete) that would have meant  we would score last +1.  Whew managed to get it all straight - hence our 7th.

Had a great post race debrief with our coach - we think we worked out a few things & looking forward to being back on the water tomorrow & more in the mix!!!  Tomorrow is more of the same.... big winds (18 knots), chop & out of the south. No rain or thunderstorms - so that is good.


Well thanks again for reading my blog & the support I have been getting. 


  1. If the wind is coming from 170 what direction is the finish line? Will start and finish line be the same for all race days?

    Very happy to hear your debriefings are sooooo positive and effective. Can't wait for tomorrow's race!

    Happy thoughts fm the great melt in Invermere!!! Love

  2. Wishing you good sleeps, healthy eats, cooperative weather, and fast racing. Keep up the good work!
